دور المهندس العربي في التنمية، الواقع والطموح

 المهندس العربي في التنمية، الواقع والطموح

ورقة عمل بقلم شربل نحاس

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خطة العمل ومقررات المؤتمر الوطني من أجل إنقاذ لبنان وإعادة تأسيس الدولة


الرجاء الضغط على الرابط لتحميل الملفات

خطة العمل ومقررات المؤتمر الوطني من أجل إنقاذ لبنان وإعادة تأسيس الدولة – مؤتمر صحفي 5 تموز 2013

الخيارات الوطنية (تفاصيل المحاور المعتمدة)

المؤتمر الوطني للإنقاذ في 15 حزيران في فندق مونرو – بيروت

Screen Shot 2013-06-09 at 6.50.52 PM

·       برنامج المؤتمر – تحميل النص

·       نـداء من أجـل إنقاذ لبنان وإعادة تأسيس الدولة: التشخيص والمقاربة تحميل النص

·       نـداء من أجـل إنقاذ لبنان وإعادة تأسيس الدولة: التشخيص والمقاربة – تحميل عرض مصوّر (PPT)

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A Call to Save Lebanon and Rebuild the State

Because the Lebanese are living in fear from insecurity and from the return of civil war,

Because the State’s incapacity to carry out its functions in all areas: security, politics, services, etc., is now threatening to turn it into a “failed State”,

Because the different actors of the confessional political system are imposing an agenda on the Lebanese people based on their differences and their risky bets,

Because the illusion of the confessional State has faded and the political system has lost its legitimacy and its capacity to persist, Read more

كلّ سنة وأنتم سالمون

منذ سنة: استقال شربل نحّاس وهذا كان الملفّ

بعد سنة: لا تصحيح أجور ولا سلسلة رتب ورواتب والأطفال يموتون على أبوب المستشفيات

al malaff

لتحمبل الملف، الرجاء الضغط على الصورة

Financing and Political Economy of Higher Education in Lebanon

Study sponsored by the Economic Research Forum
26 December 2009

The common approach to higher education in the MENA countries appears to be based on three assessments: 1) higher education provision is dominated by the public sector; 2) there is a major financing problem and 3) there is an increasing demand

On each of these points, the Lebanese case is different: 1) the private sector historically dominates the education sector; 2) financing of education in general and higher education in particular is exceptionally abundant and 3) no demographic increase is foreseeable: in 2025, the youth population is expected to decrease by -5 % . But the peculiarities of its history and present situation can be valuable in a comparative approach covering several Arab Countries since they shed light on specific factors, trends and options that might still be latent in other cases.

Lebanon is nevertheless facing severe challenges in the field of human capital formation and mobilization that go far beyond problems of financing:

  • In spite of the relative abundance of human and financial resources, growth outcomes are very poor;
  • Investment in human capital is probably excessive and is directly related in a circular causality to migration: the severe outflow of skilled migrants that prevents the domestic accumulation of human capital; and while skilled labor is attracted by emigration, unskilled Lebanese labour faces the competition of large numbers of temporary foreign workers;
  •  The Lebanese Government is unable to delineate a strategic vision for education in general and higher education in particular, resulting in the explosion of private higher education and diminishing means, quality and presence for the only public institution. This paper assesses the adequacy, efficiency and equity of higher education financing in Lebanon in both the public and private sector.

The conclusion discusses different approaches and strategies to remedy the challenges of higher education financing in Lebanon, acknowledging that higher education is far more a response to external stimuli than an exogenous lever or even an autonomous field of action.