Dr. Charbel Nahas studied engineering and planning at Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris as well as economy and social anthropology. After returning to Lebanon, in 1979, he taught at the Lebanese University for 12 years.

He was in charge of the reconstruction of Beirut Central District from 1982 to 1986.

Between 1986 and 1998, Dr. Nahas worked in the banking sector and was involved in several projects financing namely telecoms and housing operations. He was also involved in the post-war modernization of the Lebanese banking sector.

In 1998-1999, he presented a “Financial Correction Program” to the Lebanese Government and works since as a consultant and economic researcher.

His main fields of intervention are :

  • Planning and spatial economy: was the coordinator of “Economy” and “Public Policies” in the team that produced the “Schéma Directeur d’Aménagement du Territoire au Liban” (national Physical master Plan) in 2002-2004, and led the project team for the design of the “Public Investment Program” for Lebanon, in 2005-2006, along with various contributions on domestic and regional issues (Relations with Syria, Euro-Mediterranean Partenrship and Neighbourhood policies, and others).
  • Fiscal and financial issues in relation with development: he drew up a “Social Development Strategy for Lebanon”, he drafted a proposal for the reform of the pension system and has been involved in the discussion of the successive “fiscal reform” programs and conferences held in the past years.
  • Social analysis and political economy: with several publications namely on education, migration and the labour market.
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