Entries by admin

Preliminary study of the consequences of Paris 2 Conference

December 2002 Analytical and prospective document, written on the spot, less than one month after the holding of the Paris 2 Conference (where nearly 3 billions USD were advanced to the Lebanese Government at concessionary conditions and with no conditionality). The document replaces the Paris 2 operation in its effective financial and political context, taking […]

Proposition of law instituting a pension system in Lebanon

June 2006 This proposition of law has been presented by a group of MP’s from the “Block of Change and Reform” in June 2006. The text integrates the previous formulations on the same subject, since Hoss’s Government in 2000, going through the Ministerial Commissions set up by the various Hariri’s Governments under the chairmanship of […]

Readings in the destruction and orientations for reconstruction

August 2006 Orientation document on the reconstruction in Lebanon after the Israeli aggression in July 2006. The text has been written while the combats were still going on and the field teams were trying to assess the extent of the damage caused by the Israelis. It aims at formulating a strategy for reconstruction that could […]

Exploring Lebanon’s Growth Prospects

Jean-Claude Berthelemy,Sebastien Dessus & Charbel Nahas World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, number 4332 August 2007 This paper attempts to identify Lebanon ’ s greatest constraints to economic growth, following a growth diagnosis approach. It concludes that fiscal imbalances and barriers to entry are most binding on long-term growth. Macroeconomic imbalances and related perceived […]

Discussion and Approval of the National Budget in Iraq

Document presented to the Iraqi Members of Parliament, within the UNDP “Program on Governance in the Arab Region” December 2007 The paper is destined for the Iraqi MPs and aims at illustrating the central place of fiscal choices in the economy but also, and mainly, in the consolidation of the functional legitimacy of the state, […]

Syria: Fiscal Policy Perspectives

  The paper aims at analyzing the fiscal situation in Syria in order to help in the formulation of possible alternatives of fiscal policies. Beside their specific technicalities and constraints, fiscal options are approached as being a direct reflection of more general choices regarding the role of the state in managing the social and political […]