Formulation of a Strategy for Social Development in Lebanon

Economic and Social Fund for Development (ESFD), currently hosted by the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR)

in accordance with the financing agreement between the Government of Lebanon and the European Union

September 2004


The report formulates a strategy for social development in Lebanon aimed at orienting the action of the Government in general and that of the Economic and Social Fund for Development (that has been constituted in association with the European Union) in particular.

It includes two parts:

Part I (136 p.) presents the social development strategy. It analyses the relations between the prevailing economic model and the social deficits, it assesses the adequacy of the various social programs, both public and private, and proposes the institutional framework and the main lines of action needed to amend the orientations of the socio-economic model and finally defines a series of indicators for monitoring.

Part 2 (117 p.) aims at mapping the “poverty pockets” and at highlighting the socioeconomic characteristics of the “poor” in Lebanon. For this purpose, a refined spatial index of poverty has been constructed by using quantitative and regularly available measurements of consumption (see figures). Several field studies were carried to refine the knowledge of the characteristics of the “poor”, notably in rural areas and in certain peri-urban neighbourhoods.

GIS maps :

  1. Composite index of poverty
  2. Index with surveyed villages
  3. Intensity of commercial telephone calls
  4. Intensity of residential telephone calls
  5. Density of population
  6. Rate of sewage connections